This Is a Shout-Out to Mental Health Listeners!

Hi friends,

I just want to share a thought that has been brewing for the last several weeks.

It has always been my tendancy to try to find the lowest possible dose of my meds that is therapeutic or working. I have tried to reduce the dosage of my psyche meds in large part due to the weight-gaining impact of these meds.

In the last month or so, I have reversed this pattern and increased/resumed the dosage of one of my key meds (clozapine) and switched from one adjunct med (gabapentin) back to another (oxcarbazepine). The result for my peace of mind is incredible. I feel like for the last 6 to 8 months I have been scraping by – not really having an episode but not really feeling pleasure either. Also during this period my anxiety has been quite high.

So now that I am back on a higher dose of clozapine/clauzerile and taking oxcarbazepine as an adjunct, I am feeling better than I have in a long, long time. Months maybe years.

So here is an unsolicited observation. Perhaps lowering meds is a sign of managing mental health symptoms. Perhaps not. What matters is how you feel in your own mental health with the meds you are taking. If you are still not feeling well with taking a lesser dosage of your meds or taking a different med, please consider going back up in your dosage or trying/retrying an alternative med as I have done. It feels like a huge weight is lifted from my shoulders. I wish the same to all of you!

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